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NonkeenThe GambleMusic

What started as a playground radio show in a suburb of Hamburg, soon developed into a long-lasting friendship, and eventually led to the foundation of Nonkeen...
The tracks for Nonkeen’s debut album ‘The Gamble’ were recorded between 2007 and 2015, after the band members Frederic Gmeiner, Nils Frahm and Sepp Singwald began to meet again for long experimental sessions, now well into their twenties, and living in Berlin. They listened to their childhood recordings nostalgically, adding parts to some and sampling others. After eight years, an album had grown organically from this process.
Nonkeen’s ‘The Gamble’ was first released in February 2016. LEITER re-issued the band’s complete catalogue digitally, and is offering the last copies of the first physical editions originally released by R&S Records.
"An absorbing collection that marries elongated synths with pregnant pianos, drum fills with resonant bells and all in a fully freeform jazz fashion…“ (DJ Mag)
LP Vinyl120,00 €
CD110,00 €
The Invention Mother
Saddest Continent On Earth
Ceramic People
Animal Farm
This Beautiful Mess
Chasing God Through Palmyra